My Journey....Revisited (comments welcome)

just keeping my thread bumped since I don't have time to update as much as I'd like. I'm still running 25-30 miles per week and I'm so very close to going under 200lbs. for the first time since my freshmen year of college. I can't wait to get on that scale to see something with a 1 at the beginning.
The heat is oppressive here too. If I don't get up and go before work, there is just no way to do it in the afternoons or evenings. Great job on being close to under 200! You can do it!
just keeping my thread bumped since I don't have time to update as much as I'd like. I'm still running 25-30 miles per week and I'm so very close to going under 200lbs. for the first time since my freshmen year of college. I can't wait to get on that scale to see something with a 1 at the beginning.

That is awesome!! Way to go!
Quick update....Been pushing through the dog days, yeah, they're already here in Georgia. Mileage has been good. Pace has been off a little, but I know it's just the heat. I'm settling into my summer routine of running 4 on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday and then a long run on Saturday. I'm running 14, 15, and then dropping down to 8 on the 3rd weekend. That's the gameplan for the summer anyway. I may modify it as needed, but I felt like if I maintain that distance (similar to what I was running earlier this year), it will make my marathon training transition that much easier without me adding up a lot of mileage too early in my training. I'm still hovering near the 200 pound mark and I'm looking forward to breaking it.
Running has been going exceptionally well lately! I knocked out my longest run since December this morning. I logged 15 miles at just over a 9mm avg. pace. My official weigh in date is Monday, but I hopped on the scale post run just to see if I could finally see a weight that started with a "1" for the first time since my college years. I was ecstatic to see 197.3 on the scale!

The increased mileage I've been running and Weight Watchers has been doing the trick. I'm officially the lightest I've been in over 15 years and steady dropping the weight! Thank you Lord!
Big breathrough for me this Monday. Since Mondays are my official "weigh day", I don't count any other weigh-ins and Mondays was the first sub 200lb. weigh-in I've had since I was a freshman in college! I weighed in at 198.6 Monday morning.

I'm so excited and I've dropped a total of 4 pants sizes since I started running (6 in some brands)! I'm also right on target to exceed my goal of logging 1000 miles in 2013.

It's such a blessing to see where I was and where I am now. I'm focused on where I want to be. I'd really like to drop another 15-20 pounds. My wife says there is no way she wants me that skinny. Lol. My next goal is 189. We'll see how I feel once I get there. Either way, I'm feeling better about myself than I've ever felt (even when I was younger and a little lighter).
That is seriously awesome! Congrats on breaking 200!!!!
So I've been on the road traveling this week for work. I hit the road Monday morning before leaving with DW and logged 4 miles. Tuesday I was confined to a treadmill but forced myself to complete my scheduled 5 miler. Wednesday was another treadmill run of 4 miles. I normally run Tues, Wed, Thur, but with my traveling this week, I decided to change it up to Mon, Tues, Wed. I don't know if it was the extra rest or what, but I went out this morning for a short run. I honestly didn't have any pre-destined distance or pace or anything. I just told my wife I was going to go out and run something at some pace, but no more than 10 miles because I needed to work some.

I made a point to not look at my watch and obsess over pace and all. Fortunately it was still a little dark when I first started so I left the backlight off and just ran. It was about a mile in before I glanced at my watch, more for making sure it was recording my distance properly as the place I was running has heavy tree coverage and occasionally has a little trouble losing the satellite. I was running a strong pace and I felt really good so I just kept running.

I guess it was about 3 miles in before I thought, you know, I feel really strong and could negative split this run and PR a 10K this morning. I've had some very difficult runs lately and needed something good other than just logging miles. The summer heat has sapped my speed and even my endurance, but it was raining lightly and a big storm is coming in so I knew the cool morning was a rarity and I decided to take advantage of it.

I ran the first half of my 10K in 26 minutes. My previous 10K PR was in the low 53 minute range (I think anyway). I kept pushing hard, but running comfortably. I was getting faster despite the fact that I had already ran the first 4 miles at a nice pace, and definitely faster than I have been running this summer. My pace was closer to my winter/spring paces from earlier this year.

I ran the 5th mile in 8:02 and the 6th in 7:58. I ended up PR'ing by running my 10k in under 52 minutes! It was certainly a boost of encouragement I've been needing. My weight loss is going great and I feel like 200lbs. is a distant memory (even though I'm still within 3-5lbs. of it most of the time), but my running has been tough this summer after a winter and spring of PR's in every single race.

Just remember that no matter if you're having a tough time of things, you have to find those little things that push through to the next run or the next weight loss goal. Sometimes they don't seem in reach, but they're often just around the next corner. We'll never see them if we don't round that corner though. For the year, I'm about to eclipse 600 miles and I'm on pace to run between 1000 and 1100 miles this year. I took some time off (at least decreased my mileage) after my heavy race schedule so I've been logging about 100 miles per month over the past 2 or 3 months and will continue doing so until the end of the year to push me past my goal.
Weigh in day today and I continue to distance myself further from 200 pounds! I'm now down to 196.8 and I am feeling better than I can ever remember feeling about myself. My WW app actually told me to be careful because I had lost almost 4 pounds in the past 2 weeks and that can be dangerous over a 4 week timeframe. This is a problem I've never had. :cool1:

I am home this week so I plan to get my scheduled 4 runs in including a nice 12 miler or so on Saturday. I thank God for the progress made with both my weight loss and running. It's been a challenging summer with the heat, but I know it'll pay off huge in the fall and winter months. I can't wait for race season now!
DW and I had a great run this morning. She ran the fastest 4 miler I've ever run with her. I don't know if it was the snake she nearly stepped on at 1.25 miles or the beast crashing through the woods at the 3 mile marker, but she ran about 15 seconds per mile faster than she usually runs it. It was a nice run and definitely good to spend some quality time together. With my traveling last week all week and then working all weekend, we've been missing each other a lot. :love:
Hi! You are doing so well! Congratulations! I only have 9 pounds to go before getting into that 100s club! I bet it feels awesome! Have a great day
Hi! You are doing so well! Congratulations! I only have 9 pounds to go before getting into that 100s club! I bet it feels awesome! Have a great day

That's awesome! It does feel really good. I never thought I'd see that kind of weight again. Keep going and you'll be there soon!
I spent last week traveling for work and ran 3 of my 4 runs on the treadmills where I was staying. Ugh. In any case, I got the miles in and despite being in West Texas for part of my trip and getting my fill of outstanding Mexican and Tex-Mex food, I lost 2 more pounds last week. I'm now down to 192.6! I'm back home and will stay focused on dropping more weight, but most importantly eating the right foods and getting my miles in. I have to travel again this weekend for a convention to Austin, TX, but there is apparently a really nice lake with 10 miles of running trails surrounding it right behind my hotel. Coincidentally, I was planning to run 10 miles this Saturday. Hmmm. :cool1:
About a week since my last post. I've been running good lately. Had a good month of August. I'm loving the new app on my iPad that tracks each run. I've been logging everythign manually but this new app tracks my mileage, pace and total time for each run. I can review it by month, week or day. I can also track the mileage I put on each pair of running shoes.

My new pair (4th ones) of Newton Gravity just came in today. I'm excited to take them for a run this weekend. I had the chance to run the Lady Bird Lake Trail in Austin, TX this past weekend and it was awesome. There were so many runners out there. I haven't seen that many runners since the WDW Marathon! There were runners everywhere! Beautiful place to run though. It was nice after so many treadmill runs over the past few weeks.

I'm still on pace to eclipse the 1000 mile mark for this year by December as long as I keep on schedule. I've also passed the 65lbs. lost mark! I'd still like to lose another 10-15lbs. to put me down to about 175-180, but all in all I'm happy with how far I've come. I wore a pair of 33' waist jeans yesterday that were a little big. They were American Eagle which always run big, but it still felt really good. I was in a 38' when I started this journey.

We had a training video at work today that I helped make. There were some stills of me back earlier this year (around the time I ran the WDW Marathon). I was amazed at the difference of appearance just from them to now! My face and body were so much bigger. I've lost another 30+lbs. since then, but it was probably more amazing to me than the first 30+lbs. I had lost.

I'm so thankful for running as a means to healthier living. I thank God for giving me the desire, willpower and strength to overcome obstacles and keep this up for more than 3 1/2 years!
My daughter started cross country season yesterday and all their meets are on Saturday mornings so I had to reschedule my long run for Sunday before church to accomodate. I may forever run on Sunday mornings for long runs from now on! I was scheduled to run 12 miles today, but I had said if I felt good and had the time, I may go ahead and run 13.

I started my run slow and ran my first mile in 9:10 and the second right at 9 even. I felt good and started seeing my times dip with each mile. 6 miles into my run, I was averaging around 8:40 per mile. I told myself if I hit 12 miles and was on pace to PR for a half, I'd go ahead and knock the last 1.1 miles out.

I ran each of the last 5 miles under an 8:15 pace and blew my previous half PR out of the water! My previous PR (which was in a race) was 1:54.16. I ran today's run in 1:50.42 which was an 8:27mm pace!

It was just one of those days when everything went perfectly. I felt great and the weather, although hot, was bearable and even comfortable for much of the run.
So I feel like I'm only updating every 2 weeks or so, but I try to when I can. Anyways....I've missed a few key runs lately, but all in all, I'm happy with the progress I've made this summer. On top of losing another 15lbs. or so this summer, I've been able to shave some serious time which comes as a surprise because I haven't really focused on times or speeds this summer. I'm sure the lower weight has a lot to do with the improved times.

Yesterday, I went out for a nice long run before church. While running, I was thinking of entering a good sized local race in early December. They have a 10k and 5k back to back. Since I was training for the WDW full last year, I didn't run it. This year I thought of running both races so I tried a little test yesterday morning to see how I'd do.

I ran the 10k in a PR time of 51:20 and then walked for 2 minutes while I drank a little and ate a few bloks. I then ran the 5k and only missed my PR by a few seconds. I ran it in 23:50.

I also had a weight triumph this morning. After 2 consecutive weeks of gain (total of 2 pounds), I dropped 3 last week. I've been traveling a lot for work and it's so much easier to eat right while I'm home.
I had a really fast 5 miler this morning. I pushed hard to finish it in under 40 minutes. It felt really good this morning (both temps and running), but I'm really yearning for some consistently cooler weather!
Me too on the cooler weather front! Great job this morning!
I had an awesome run yesterday morning before church. I did 14 miles in 2 hours flat. I felt good and pushed to go faster than I'd ever gone for that distance. I've done faster for a half, but not much faster. I was definitely pleased with the results.


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