JaxTeach's Wedding & Honeymoon TR: 6/11 Day 1 Honeymoon Added!


DIS Veteran
Aug 4, 2004
We're back from Paris! We had the best time I could imagine. I am very happy that I believe DH has caught my travel bug, which is fantastic. We're already planning out our next adventure.

I'm going to post a couple of days of my TR that I typed up on the flight home. Northwest Airlines kindly seperated DH and I for our 9+ hour flight home so I had nothing better to do! The first day or so of my TR will be light on pictures, but we have over 1200 pictures from our honeymoon and 1000 from the wedding just from family cameras so there will be photos-- I just have to edit them!

Our Disney professional photos have been posted. I snagged a few to share... I'm not happy with some of them because they appear to be crooked. Here are just a few. We had MK and Epcot Bridal portraits and then the Epcot honeymoon session.

This was my first day off of work. Since I am a teacher, I had to take 3 days off for the wedding. Our county’s schools got out on our wedding day for Winter Break. Dan decided to work Wednesday and half of Thursday because he used up all of his vacation days earlier this year when he was planning on changing jobs…oops! His employer has been very kind, though, and allowed him to “borrow” his 5 or so days needed for our honeymoon from next year’s leave.

My day began with a trip to the doctor. I caught a bit of a bug after being an extreme Bridezilla Friday night. My immune system had to be very susceptible at that point and a little bit of karma got me for being so mean to DH. I was able to see my old doctor who had gone on sabbatical a while back and now practices at my current clinic. He was very nice and understood the situation—getting married in 2 days, leaving the country for 1 week. He gave me a prescription for an antibiotic that I could fill later if I wasn’t feeling better before we left for Paris. He also gave me something to address my nose issues. I actually saw the doctor and was in my car before my appointment time which I loved!

After the doctor, it was off to the tanning salon. Since tanning salons want to sell a package to everyone, I convinced my salon to give me 2 spray tans and 1 trip to their Hydration Station. Today I was set to do the Hydration Station and then spray tan. I have to say that I just might go back for the Hydration Station. It’s a big pod looking thing that you lay down in. It gets super hot and there’s a lot of steam. It was so relaxing and lasted about 20 minutes. When I got out my skin was so smooth! I headed over to spray tan and tried to be super careful about where I put the enhancer and the blocker. The last time I tanned my feet looked disgusting for a few days and I didn’t want that at the wedding! I grilled the girl working on ways to minimize areas of over tanning because I knew some spot would have too much. She called the manager and told me some concoction to mix up… or just use Clorox wipes in the shower. I made a mental note to pick those up before I left for Orlando and was on my way.

I missed my nail appointment so I had to reschedule for later that afternoon. I went home to my mom and tried to finish packing our suitcases. We were packing for almost a week at Disney followed by a week in Paris. Two very different styles of dress and temperatures so it was not exactly fun. I had to pull out all of my packing skills gained from years of moving around as a military brat. Upon arrival in Paris, it was discovered that DH actually packed way more clothes that I did… I ran out of clothes on the 4th day, he was going strong until the end!

At 2:00pm I went to JCPenney’s to have my nails done. I normally have nice nails and they grow fast. With all of our wedding crafts and mandatory pre-trip housecleaning that went on the previous couple of weeks, I had broken several nails and decided to have tips put on for a uniform look. I explained to the lady that I had never had “fake” nails and wasn’t excited about having them, but I had to. I did not like having my real nails filed down! She was going to do a French manicure, but I requested an “American” manicure because I thought it looked more natural than the stark white of the French. The American manicure is the same as the French, but instead of the pink coat on top, they put a beige color (I think??). I really liked the outcome as I felt it looked fairly natural. I still have the acrylics on and I dread getting them taken off! I paid and was headed home to load up my car, load up the cat, and drive to MCO.

Dan was home once I got there as was my mom, dad, niece, and nephew. I had my mom entertain the munchkins while Dan, my dad, and I loaded up the car. We ended up loading Dan’s car as well to see what was going to fit where. We are not people who travel light, which is very strange considering all of the traveling we’ve all done. I had to transport my Buster cat and leave room for my cousin and her caravan of luggage once I got her from MCO. Everything fit, but I would later discover that I left a very important item at home.
My cousin called in the middle of all this to say she had arrived at ATL and would be headed to MCO soon. She’s 19, but she hasn’t flown a lot by herself so I requested she phone me when she could. Her phone call meant I had to GO! I was on the verge of tears because as I start the car I realize I’ve only been to MCO one time in my life and that was with a friend to drop her boyfriend off. I had no clue where I was going! I rudely yelled at Dan to run inside to get the GPS so I could find the airport. After my mini breakdown, I was on my way.

My GPS took me down OBT which I was not happy about. And of course I had no cash on me which had me contemplating the penalties for running toll booths. I managed to scrounge up the 75 cents required to get to the airport and prayed Becki (my cousin) had some money on her. I was pleased to see that MCO has a cell phone waiting lot so I parked there and waited for Becki to call. We had to rearrange some things in the car, including the cat, but we managed to load all of her “can’t live without them” accessories. We headed to my brother’s house hoping there were limited tolls along the way. I made the man at one toll booth crack up when I anxiously asked him if there were any other tolls before the Disney area.

I took the wrong exit so my cousin got a little tour of Walt Disney World before we went to my brother’s apartment. Since he works nights at DAK it works out well when I need to crash on his couch for the night. Once we arrived I informed my cousin that my brother lives on the top floor and there is no elevator so she might want to bring only essential items with her. We still ended up with a bunch of crap, the Buster cat, and all of his accessories.

We finally settled into his apartment. I blew up the Aerobed for my cousin and made my bed on my brother’s couch. I headed to bed and my cousin did all of her young adult things—checked her MySpace, Facebook, started texting people and finally ended up talking on the phone ‘til God knows when in the morning. It’s hard to remember being able to stay up all hours of the night. I always think I’m pretty “with it” but this whole texting thing blows my mind! Becki was threatened if I heard her cell phone during my wedding ceremony!

Up next... Welcome Dinner
Welcome home! Your pics are beautiful...I am thrilled everything went so well for you! I look forward to reading all about it...Congratulations.

this is great jaclyn, i always learn something from you...CLOROX WIPES! i hate when i look splotchy after fake tans, that's why i never get them!!! your pics look great! are your sig pics from dlp? it looks beautiful (and cold)...can't wait to read more! i'm so excited for you!!!!!
What a great start to what I know is going to be a wonderful story. I love the pictures (sneak peeks are always great). Congratulations on your wedding. I'm looking forward to the rest of the fairy tale.popcorn::
Congratulations and welcome back! I can't wait to read your TR. I was in DL Paris back in 1992 so I'm anxious to read about how things have changed. You look beautiful in your wedding and honeymoon photos!! That pink top really suits you and I love how you got pix with the lavender carousel horse to match your bouquet :)
Congratulations and Welcome Back! Your pictures are so beautiful and most importantly, you both look SO happy. I can't wait to see more wedding pictures and read more about DLP- I've always wanted to go there! :goodvibes
Welcome home! Your pics are beautiful...I am thrilled everything went so well for you! I look forward to reading all about it...Congratulations.


Thank you! I was actually really surprised at how smooth everything went. Only 1 thing was not done properly by Disney... and that's fine with me (as long as I get a refund now).

looking forward to your reports.... congrats on what looked like a dream wedding
Thank you! I will slowly but surely get everything posted!

this is great jaclyn, i always learn something from you...CLOROX WIPES! i hate when i look splotchy after fake tans, that's why i never get them!!! your pics look great! are your sig pics from dlp? it looks beautiful (and cold)...can't wait to read more! i'm so excited for you!!!!!
The Clorox wipes did work well on the areas that were SUPER overtanned. My sig pics are from DLP. It WAS super cold for my Florida self. All of our photos look the same because we have our coats on in every picture. I also had on 2 scarves, ear muffs, tights under my jeans, thick socks... We've never actually lived in a cold climate, can ya tell??

What a great start to what I know is going to be a wonderful story. I love the pictures (sneak peeks are always great). Congratulations on your wedding. I'm looking forward to the rest of the fairy tale.popcorn::
Thank you! I'm awful about keeping people in suspense, I get too excited and want to share everything!

Congratulations!! You both look so happy!!:hug:
Thank you! DH was certainly tired of smiling by our dessert party on our wedding day-- Randy was so great about teasing him about smiling.

Congrats! I can't wait to here about Disneyland Paris.
Thanks! I will do my best to report on DLP! It wasn't my favorite Disney park, but it is visually the most beautiful (IMO).

Congratulations and welcome back! I can't wait to read your TR. I was in DL Paris back in 1992 so I'm anxious to read about how things have changed. You look beautiful in your wedding and honeymoon photos!! That pink top really suits you and I love how you got pix with the lavender carousel horse to match your bouquet :)
Thanks! So you were at DLP when it first opened? I'm sure we had two very different experiences considering how well received it was back then! :scared1: We had a great time though. I didn't even notice that I was matched up with a lavender horse-- but it looks nice!

Sounds great so far! I can't wait to read more!:goodvibes
Thanks for reading... I'm trying to finish Day 2 today.

Congratulations and Welcome Back! Your pictures are so beautiful and most importantly, you both look SO happy. I can't wait to see more wedding pictures and read more about DLP- I've always wanted to go there! :goodvibes
Thanks! It was such a surreal experience. We've been together for 5 years and lived together almost the entire time so it was just a celebration for us really, considering it has always felt as though we were married. It went by so quickly... I keep thinking how I want to do that again, but that's out... at least for another 20 years or so (we've banned ourselves from any vow renewal prior to that time!).

I can not wait to read all about it!!!
Thanks for reading!

Congratulations to you both. Love the pictures, can't wait to hear more!:surfweb:
Thank you! Hopefully I will get things posted in a timely manner... choosing pics to go with the story is the hardest part!

So I do hope to have our Welcome Dinner information posted later today. DH and I have been taking back wedding gifts and purchasing things we (ahem, I) really wanted from our registries. I was so excited to find the bedding I wanted for our bedroom on clearance at BBB yesterday. And since we haven't gone through our mail since God knows when, we had tons of 20% off coupons. :banana: We're off to purchase a few more items and hopefully I will work on Day 2 this evening.

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes for us and for reading! :hug:
Congratulations! I have been eagerly anticipating your TR since reading your PJ. Your photos look great, and it sounds like you had a wonderful wedding. That sucks about being stuck without your hubby for 9 hours on the airplane. On our honeymoon to Rome, we spent the 9 hours together, but directly in front of the 2 smoking chairs which were continuously occupied. Aaaukk! That was a horrible flight.

Can't wait for the full story with pictures!

Thank you all so much for reading! We talked to everyone we could at the airport in Paris to try to sit together. We asked other passengers and nothing worked. I've written a complaint to NWA, but I know nothing will come of it. The frustrating thing is that I don't know if anyone who actually works for NWA works at Charles de Gaulle Airport in France... we asked and kept getting Air France employees. Argh!

I have an email out to Disney Photographic Services regarding our crooked castle. I'll let you know what they say and/or do.

On to Day 2........

Thursday, December 13 ~Welcome Dinner~

I had warned Becki that we had to get up early Thursday morning because we had a list of errands to run. The first of which was to have my dress steamed. I had called the David’s Bridal in Altamonte Springs Wednesday afternoon to see if they could steam it for me. No problem, but Altamonte is quite a drive when you’ve got limited time. I thought this was the only DB location in Orlando, but thanks to my GPS I found one near the Mall at Millennia. I called and they said they could have it ready by that night. Woohoo! Free steaming! I was so happy to save that money. They weren’t quite open yet when we arrived, but opened soon after. We left my dress with the alterations lady with an attitude (“Why did you wait until today?” Um… because I don’t live here??).

Anyway, with that we were off to find clothes for my cousin. Luckily, she liked a couple of things at Marshalls. She’s tiny and cute so anything looks fabulous on her. We had to run out to grab breakfast/lunch. We stopped at the choice restaurant of broke college students across the U.S.—Taco Bell. We ate quickly and then I told my cousin about the surprise I had planned for us. I called Wednesday and scheduled us for a Peppermint Pedicure at the Saratoga Springs Spa. They didn’t have time at Penney’s to do my pedicure since I missed my appointment, so I had to go somewhere. I thought that’d be a fun girly thing for us to do.

We arrived at SSR and headed for the spa. Neither of us had ever had a pedicure before and we were both impressed! The Peppermint Pedicure was a special thing they were doing for Christmas—basically there was just peppermint oil added to the water. I chose a berry red color for my toes, knowing my mother would question why I had to use red. The lady did a wonderful job on my pedicure! In fact, 3 weeks later it is still going strong. I’ve done quite a bit of walking since then and the polish still looks perfect. When we went to check out, it was $65 instead of the $55 I’d been quoted over the phone. However, the CM applied my AP discount even though DH had my pass in his wallet. Overall the SSR pedicure was an excellent experience!

After our pedicures it was time to find my parents’ rental house. Everyone (my parents and DH) had called to say they were on the road driving down from Jacksonville (about 2.5 hours away). My brother had issues finding the rental house that morning, but I found it quickly because one of the road names was different than it said on Google Maps. Becki and I got to the house and my parents and DH showed up shortly after.

The Rental House

Dan and I had to rush off after we dropped off our enormous “Paris suitcase” because we still had to take all of our floral stuff to Chris’ (the Whimsical Wey owner) house. Thank goodness for our GPS! Even though it took us down toll roads (which I hate) we were zooming around town. We had to drive to Windemere and back to WDW. It was after 3pm by this time and our Welcome Dinner was at 5:00pm. We hit only a little traffic on the way to Windemere and even less on the road to WDW. Yay! We spoke to Reverend Jack Day at this point to confirm he would be officiating our ceremony.

We had yet to check in to BWI. When we got to the guard shack our parking pass was not there so we had to go up to the Valet area. We pull up and tell them we need our parking pass. I was driving and the young valet CM asked if we were going to valet park. I told him that we wanted to but we had no cash on us for a tip. This statement was followed by me telling him we were big losers but were trying to make it to our wedding Welcome Dinner at the Poly. He was laughing at me and told me not to worry about it. He and DH started unloading the car and I went to check in.

The CM at check in was awesome! I can’t recall her name off hand, but she was so excited for us. She asked if I was the bride and disappeared for a bit. She came back with 2 large cellophane bags and an envelope. Someone had left these fantastic gifts for us and I was overwhelmed! We also got our Magical Moments certificate from the Disney Honeymoon folks. The CM asked if I wanted my room key to have my new last name as a souvenir, which I did. I explained how we were trying to get to the Poly by 5:00pm and she finished checking us in quickly.

Our Gifts

DH and I rushed upstairs to our room to begin changing. I had grabbed by dress and shoes out of our suitcase before the bellman took it away, just in case they were slow in getting our bags upstairs. I took the quickest shower ever and changed. While I was showering, I had DH call Randy, Stan, Anna, and Karen (our WP). He left messages for everyone, which made me nervous. As I was finishing up the bellman brought our things. In the rush of everything I couldn’t find my deodorant so had to use DH’s and smelled like Old Spice all night!

We rushed out and on to the Poly where we met everyone in our party except DH’s parents. I felt so bad that we were almost the last people to show, but everyone was really kind. I went to check in and stressed to the older CM that we did not want ANY attention from the singing lady. He laughed and I told him I was 100% serious – that we just wanted to have a relaxing evening with our family. He said he would tell our server. We had no issues with the lady all night so I was very pleased.

Entire Table @ 'Ohana

Summer & Becki @ 'Ohana

We had a fantastic meal at ‘Ohana. Most of our family had never eaten there and they really enjoyed their food. My niece and nephew did some of the kid games. They ended up with a butt load of leis and were giving them out to everyone. My nephew became a ladies’ man (he’s 3) as he did not want to stay seated. Every time I looked up he was talking to one of our female friends. He’s quite a ham.

My Mom, Niece (Summer) and Nephew (Tommy) in the Coconut Race

Towards the end of our meal (and I believe after Wishes) the chef came out to ask if I wanted the cake. I got so excited as I’d not seen the cake yet. So they wheel out our cake and I am blown away! It was so wonderful! It had the various Disney logos along with a white chocolate Mickey and milk chocolate Eiffel Tower. Perfection! I knew the cake would taste just as perfect—it was marble cake with strawberry mousse with fresh strawberries. Even though we didn’t want attention, we got a bunch of it with our cake! People were coming over and congratulating us and ogling at our cake. As the cake was being served, we started hearing our guests wonder if they would get the bananas foster bread pudding as well. I wasn’t sure so I asked one of our servers to please bring some out since most of our guests had not tried it and it is delicious.

Groom's Cake

Dad & I with Groom's Cake

Dan & I with Groom's Cake

After we attempted to put our nearest and dearest into sugar comas, it was time to go. We passed out our Welcome Folders (yeah, I never made it to the hotels to do that) and briefly discussed with everyone the plan for Friday.

DH got mad at me at this point. I told him that he would not be staying with me that night because our parents didn’t want us to. I already asked my cousin to spend the night with me since she’d have to get ready with me in the morning. DH very unhappy, but I stood my ground because I didn’t want to hear about it from the mothers.

My cousin and I left the Poly and headed to David’s Bridal to pick up my dress. I was so happy that it was done on time. We then went shoe shopping for her. While at Off 5th Avenue, Randy Chapman called to check in. He told me that Dan was absolutely clueless and I agreed. I had emailed Randy earlier and he knew exactly what I was planning so it worked out great. I also spoke with Anna from Makeover Magic in there somewhere. Dan spoke with Stan from STVS and Karen (our WP). I felt relieved and ready to get married having confirmed everything with our vendors.

I took my cousin by our rental house to pick up her things and we returned to BWI. Becki, DH and I all watched Illuminations from our balcony at BWI. We had a cool view because the Eiffel Tower was near us, which I loved. DH and I played around with our bride & groom ears while watching the fireworks. Afterwords, we opened up our 2 cellophaned gifts. They were both from my friend Kristina. We got some awesome stuff, including a $150 Disney gift certificate. We also got a plush bride/groom M&M, a beautiful Mickey throw, wedding ornament, personalized DVD case, bride & groom ears, and some other things.

DH and I watching Illuminations (Sorry for my Beyonce-esque pose... Perez Hilton readers understand!)

DH and I with our gift

After Illuminations and our gifts it was time for DH to go. He was still not happy, but he went to stay with his parents at BWV. Then I sort of set up everything for the following morning and decided I was exhausted. I had planned on washing my hair that night, but the bed was calling my name. We had sort of planned on going to Jellyrolls (DH, me, and 4 friends from NY) but it was closed… and I would have felt bad since my cousin isn’t 21. My last night as a single gal was quite uneventful.

Up next... When it's your wedding day, all the problems melt away.....
great tr so far jaclyn! we get an ap discount at the spas? is this true? i love reading your entries, i swear, i ALWAYS learn something from you!
great tr so far jaclyn! we get an ap discount at the spas? is this true? i love reading your entries, i swear, i ALWAYS learn something from you!

Thanks Caryn! Yes, there is an AP discount (at least at the Saratoga Springs spa)... It was 10 or 15%, not much, but anything is good at Disney!


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