Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to Lose Weight I Go!


Mar 26, 2005
Okay it is time for me to get serious about my weight loss (ya I have heard that one before too). I am tired of feeling horrible (get heartburn on a regular basis it seems) and looking horrible. Most of my clothes wither don't fit or don't fit properly. I also want to stop hiding from pictures and want lots of family photos during our Disney World trip in December.

Hi my name is Jennifer and I am a foodaholic and exercise avoider. I'm 38, 5'4", and currently weigh approx. 209 lbs. I swore I would never be close to, let alone over 200 lbs. Well that didn't work out. I am a mother of 3 (2 teenage sons and a little girl).

I would like to eventually get down to about 130 lbs but we'll see how I am once I get somewhere close to there. For now I just want to lose some weight for our trip in December which is about 27 weeks away. I will be aiming for 27 lbs lost by trip time which is 1 lb a week. I think that is doable. I will be hoping for more but I don't want to discourage myself.

I will be doing this by:

  • only drinking water (no pop, juice, or alcohol) - aiming for 3L a day
  • cutting out as much processed food as possible
  • tracking calories on Sparkpeople - aiming for 1570 calories or slightly less
  • following a running app to go from 0-5k-10k and if that goes well 10k-half marathon
I might also add in ab crunches, pushups, and squats as I go.

My weekly exercise plan will be as follows:

  • Mon --> running app before work
  • Tue --> 45 min walk before work
  • Wed --> running app before work
  • Thu --> 45 min walk before work
  • Fri --> running app before work
  • Sat --> 45 min-1 hr walk
  • Sun --> 45 min-1 hr walk
I'll try to post my daily plan each morning and report back each evening.
Days Until Trip - 187
Starting Weight - 209
Current Weight - 209
Weight Lost - 0

Okay the day has already started so it won't be the exactly according to plan but there is no time like the present to get started.

Today's Goals

  • 1570 calories
  • Drink 3L water
  • Start my running app plan after work
Will report back how it went tonight. :)
Just wanted to pop in with some encouragement from the December group!! I personally need to get myself back on track too, but I keep making excuses or being lazy, so good for you for taking this step!!
Okay yesterday didn't go as planned. I didn't get my exercise in. I can give a lot of excuses about kids not in a good mood after work, etc but it just didn't get done. I stayed within my calories though. :) Water I got in about half of what I wanted.

Today's Goals
  • 1570 calories
  • Drink 3L of water (Have almost drank 1L already and it is only 8am)
  • Running app workout I missed yesterday (Done! Did this before getting ready for work this morning)
I am already off to a better start today!
Morning all! I did much better yesterday. Didn't get everything accomplished but there was improvement. :) I drank most of my water, got my workout in before work, and stayed within my calories. Did have a couple foods I probably shouldn't have but oh well.

Today's Goals
  • 1570 calories
  • Drink 3L of water
  • Running app workout (Done!)
Today's running workout was 5 min walking warmup, 20 min of run walking (alternating running 1 min, walking 1.5 min), and 5 min walking cooldown. I am actually pretty surprised at how well I am doing with this. I am not running that fast (more of a job) but I am doing the full minute each time. :) I never thought I would be one of those people that got up extra early to get in a workout before work but that is the only way I can make sure I can get it done. I have tried to do it after work and during the day I am like "Ya going to get this workout done after work!" By the time after work comes along I don't want to do ANYTHING and can't get my butt moving.
Just popping by to say hooray for you! :yay:

I am a fellow exercise-hater and I've been really loathing the idea of starting a running program, but you are inspiring me to think seriously about it!
Looking good! I have trouble getting motivated to exercise as well.


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