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Earning My Ears
Jun 26, 2018
Look, I get there’s a lot going on right now at the Dis. But I am feeling so many emotions. Shocked by the rumors, saddened about the possibility of the show ending- it’s been a big point of comfort for me over the past few years. But idk, feels like they’re handling this wrong like they need some sort of crisis management team or something. It’s not helping, how they’re handling it now…..just making the implosion feel even worse. Just my opinion
I mean what do you know about what is going on behind the scenes and how things are being handled? This certainly isn't about the feelings of fans.
I don’t really agree with that. Obviously we’re the least important group on the totem pole, I feel for the whole team, anyone who potentially has their job on the line, as well as anyone who has been abused and is finally coming forward. But the fans do exist- the content is created because we all watch it and consume it. And we’re all going to have different feelings and thoughts about it. Isn’t the purpose of forums like these to be able to discuss what we think and feel
I don’t really agree with that. Obviously we’re the least important group on the totem pole, I feel for the whole team, anyone who potentially has their job on the line, as well as anyone who has been abused and is finally coming forward. But the fans do exist- the content is created because we all watch it and consume it. And we’re all going to have different feelings and thoughts about it. Isn’t the purpose of forums like these to be able to discuss what we think and feel
But what do you know about how things are being handled internally?
Look, I get there’s a lot going on right now at the Dis. But I am feeling so many emotions. Shocked by the rumors, saddened about the possibility of the show ending- it’s been a big point of comfort for me over the past few years. But idk, feels like they’re handling this wrong like they need some sort of crisis management team or something. It’s not helping, how they’re handling it now…..just making the implosion feel even worse. Just my opinion

I think them moving to a new studio and such is the best way they can handle it right now. They are not really in a place where they can acknowledge a lot of what is being said at the moment. Maybe in the future, but not now.

They are moving to a new studio so they can try to continue the show. So they can try to continue, even though stuff is going on. I hope the best for them.
I think them moving to a new studio and such is the best way they can handle it right now. They are not really in a place where they can acknowledge a lot of what is being said at the moment. Maybe in the future, but not now.

They are moving to a new studio so they can try to continue the show. So they can try to continue, even though stuff is going on. I hope the best for
But what do you know about how things are being handled internally?
I know nothing about what’s going on internally, and that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about what they’re putting out to the public. The “Kevin’s mobility,” aspect, the lack of a real send off from the Bob Varley studio……oh moving to a new studio, on to trails end opening back up. That outward messaging- that’s what I’m grappling with. And it’s just a sadness or a disappointment with all of it in general. I’m not the only one who feels this way….just see the other comments in the other thread about the new studio. Just merely saying what I feel
I’m so sad for all who have been affected by all the bad behavior. My heart goes out to the victims as well as to those in the company who have worked so hard at making this such a great community for so long. I pray we all can move on to greener pastures with far less suffering and far more kindness towards each other.
Alas, for everything there is a season, and I think after barely hanging on to the Disboards for the past few years, this will be the straw that broke this camel’s back. It was great chatting with most of you over the years. I’ve missed a lot of people from around here who felt chased off due to their views. Today, that person is me. I need to stand up for someone today in my own small way. I’ll be taking my vast WDW knowledge elsewhere on the internet.
Have a magical day. :smickey:
I’ll start this by saying that I’m also very disappointed. I consider myself a fairly new Dis-er. I found the podcast 4 years or so ago when I was spending a lot of time driving then started watching the live show on Tuesdays. Then started watching the other content on the YouTube channel. I’m really sad for all those who were hurt by this terrible behavior. But, to be honest I’m not very surprised by the allegations. I started to think that maybe something was “off” when Fiasco left. Then followed by Deni and Panda suddenly coming then he’s gone. Jackie was on a few shows then she stopped being on altogether. Not to mention everyone who used to be podcast regulars that are hardly or never on anymore. I’m especially sad in this situation for Craig. The guy is clearly a super talented producer and videographer but I doubt he enjoys hosting or essentially being the face of the Disunplugged. And I feel like he genuinely loves Disney and spending time in the parks. Plus he has a baby and a young family to worry about. I hope they are able to keep this going in some fashion in the future.
i hear you OP. this was all a lot to take in. I've been a Pete guy, a DIS supporter, since my first trip to WDW in 2012. I never went as a kid, I've only known Disney as an adult so I immediately took to the DIS because it's always kinda had an adult vibe to it.

Dustin was the man back in those days. He was great at this. Pete was great too and always was. So to hear about what was really going on at the time, and then to hear from Sean Faulk and his experience, completely changes the emotions towards what was once my favorite podcast.

Really doesn't help that Pete's had so many preachy, "here's how it should be" moments over the years. They were entertaining to listen to even when I didn't agree with him. But who on earth is he to judge anybody when he had this mess going on behind the scenes.
I think this is a rapidly evolving situation so I’m hoping in short time they will provide some answers to how the future looks. I personally cancelled my Patreon membership because I need more content and maybe some reassurance where that money is going.
I realize the tough spot they are in but it’s hard to watch shows right now when there’s a giant elephant in the room they won’t acknowledge.
OMG - I didn't realize anything was going on at all. I watched the show last week.... what's going ON??? I'm totally in teh dark. This show is a total comfort for me and I have to say I miss Pete's take on things from a high level. He is so knowledgeable ... but I still watch the show and enjoy listening!
It’s definitely a tough spot. Some people are upset things are moving too fast. Others are saying things are moving too slow. In all honesty, it’s only been a short time since the allegations came to light.

It appears that things may have already been rolling for changes based on the pending court case. If allowed to continue at the pace they were setting, this all probably would have seemed a lot more seamless. Plan A went out the window with the allegations. Things got messy and rightfully so. It is just going to take time for them to regroup and figure out what to do next.

I think the main thing that we could agree on is that the fans are not comfortable in seeing Pete in a position of power again. Does this mean that anyone wants him broke or on the streets? Well…maybe some do. But I think it really is a matter of us all having a clearer conscience knowing our money is not going to potentially support a situation that is less than palatable. Even being on these boards gives a feeling now and I think that is at the crux of this.

it is just gonna take some time.. There are real people with real livelihoods on the other side of this chat. We’ll get our responses in due time and some will be happy and some won’t still. Some will leave and some will stay. There is no right or wrong there. It will all work itself out in the end though….it always does
There is a lot of complexity that needs to be sorted on the business structure moving forward, that will take time. I do hope they find a way to keep the podcasts going and hope maybe they can entice Panda to return. Panda in my opinion would be a great host moving forward. They also need to add a new panelist with younger children. It is sad to think though that good chance we might not hear from Pete again. Regardless of what happened, I wish him well, the show was fun over the years. Once he left, it took a bit of a literal left turn, good deal of political, SJW discussion etc. Would be great if the show could get back to what it was 5 years ago.
If you read any of the details regarding what’s going on I don’t know how you could think someone that left is coming back. I don’t even mean inappropriate behavior - I mean it seems unlikely you can find a single instance of someone leaving on good terms, which is why most were removed from the show with little to no acknowledgment.
This is sort of like watching a train wreck in progress, you want to look away but you can't.

I feel for the staff who have poured a lot of their heart and sole into this business, in exchange for what appears to be very little. Kudos to them. I feel for Pete's business partners, much of the business was built around his image and personality, and now... that's not going to be a selling point and will probably be a distraction and deterrence.

Will the Forums survive? Who knows, these cost money to run, and with the debt that I've seen I don't know if they have the cash flow or the desire to feed the forum furnance. Same goes for the YouTube channels. Only time will really tell.

I'd love to say that I'm shocked what I've recently read elsewhere, but I've known enough and can put pieces together to say I'm not all that surprised.

For now the partners need to focus on cleaning up the mess and then assessing where things go in the future.
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