When you wish upon a star: Three Birthdays at WDW can come true! April 2013

Uh oh, somebody quoted Harry Potter in Disney... :rolleyes1

lmao. I love HP as much as I love Disney. We considered going to Wizarding World of HP on this trip too, but we decided we would rather just experience ALL DISNEY, and I'm really glad we did. I can experience HP another time but when will I get to hang out with these lovely ladies for all of our bdays and experience it all new again?? Neverrrrr
Oops hi friends! As you can see, we got a bit distracted but now I'm back to update you on our grand adventures!! ^_^
When we left off, we had just got done seeing the beautiful Tangled restroom area. Now we were going to make our way over to Main Street for some dinner before the parade.
But then.... we started thinking, since we're already right here in Liberty Square (aka my favorite place to watch the parade), why not just park it right here and get a good parade spot before everyone swarms?
And just like that, it was PARADE TIME!!!
We snapped a quick selfie while we were waiting:

we love our selfies.​
and Ana went over to the popcorn stand to get us a snack. I swear you guys, Disney popcorn just tastes so much better than regular popcorn. I don't know what they're putting in that stuff. Maybe it's crack. probably not though. Anyway, Ana got a really cute souvie popcorn bucket too of course. but we forgot to take a pic of it I guess oops. After a few minutes, that beautiful announcement spiel came on and it was time for:
pixiedust:THE MAIN STREET ELECTRICAL PARADE !!! pixiedust:

Yay!!! my favorite parade and I was sitting here in my favorite spot and I was SO excited for my pals to see it. Behold, parade pics! I didn't put them all on here because I didn't wanna flood you guys with a parade you've all seen before haha



MY GIRL!! shoutout to Sarah for this literally amazing Tink pic



okay, this is a bad picture but I had to include it because of the special story behind it! on this night we were all wearing our bday buttons because we were just so excited to be there and all wanted to celebrate. Well, Prince Charming saw us and looked down and said "happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday" to all three of us in a row! it was so silly but made us so happy and we loved him for it. ty Charming, we love u


hi friend


Ana's friends!! she was seriously so excited to see Snow White that she made me take the camera from her because she was shaking so much lol​

So after our beautiful parade viewing, we decided to finally make our way to someplace Ana had been REALLY looking forward to....Casey's Corner!!

Now, at this point I must apologize my dear friends. At this point in the day we either all got really lazy or were just so overwhelmed, but we forgot to take like any pictures of anything! So you'll just have to trust me when I say that our treats from Casey's were DELICIOUS. We all got a hot dog and fries...I'm pretty sure that Sarah got a chili one or something, but regardless we all LOVED it. Ana had been looking forward to eating at Casey's for so long because she insisted that Disney hot dogs are better than regular hot dogs, and she did not lie. We must have been starving because we gobbled up our dinner and then headed outside for....


Now let me talk about Wishes for a second you guys. I LOVE Wishes. LOVE. I could watch this show every day of my life and not get tired of it. It's so so stunning and I was SO EXCITED for Ana and Sarah to see it!!! So we sat outside of Casey's at the little tables and watched the show and like died. Tink flew and everything and it was so splendid, I loved it.
We didn't even try to take any pictures of Wishes because we all wanted to enjoy it instead of trying to watch through a camera but man, that show is so stunning. It makes me cry like 89% of the time. It's seriously such a beautiful show and never gets old.

So after Wishes, we just sort of walked around for a bit and took it all in some more. The girls were still absorbing the magic all over the park so we strolled over to New Fantasyland to have a quick peek. They wanted to check out Gaston's Tavern so we did, and took a few pics:

Ana being a boss, sitting in Gaston's chair


he uses antlers in all of his decorating!​

We knew we would come back to NF later in the week, so we decided to head back out to the front of the castle. Celebrate the Magic would be starting soon and we wanted to beat the rush out of the park before it closed. We watched Celebrate the Magic from the little walkway into Tomorrowland and then stopped to take a few more stunning castle pics:


When we'd had our fill from the day, we headed out of the park, tired and ready to go back to our home @ Pop. We'd had such a good time, and it was only day one!
We got on the bus back to Pop and saw a bunch of kids passed out in their strollers and on the bus. Have I talked about how much I love that yet? Because I do. Seeing kids exhausted, just KNOCKED OUT in their strollers on the way home after a big day is like my favorite thing in the world. So we giggled a bit at that and then headed back into our room, ready to plan our next big day!

Oh, and we also paused to take a pic of all of us in our Mickey gear:

we love the Mickster

After some quick planning and talking about all the fun we had, we cuddled up into bed for another fun-filled day! On the agenda was MK again - it was Sarah's bday so we had some super fun things planned. Stay tuned to see what adventures we got up to next! :)
So basically you thought of the Black Swan... And it suddenly appeared?? Wow.
OK... I'm thinking about a Million Dollars... Ah, probably only works in Disney.

Uh oh, somebody quoted Harry Potter in Disney... :rolleyes1

I just love all of your enthusiasm. So precious. Looking forward to the next instalment.

lol right!! I was so shocked when we saw it, that was some serious Disney magic for me!!

hehehe :rolleyes1 we are all huge HP fans so naturally it was going to happen sometime or another!

Thank you!! I'm glad you're enjoying it ^_^

Loving your trip report so far. Following along!

Yay welcome!! Glad you're here with us :goodvibes

I love how like, now that you're obsessed with Disney Parks trivia, I don't feel like such a weirdo for my Disney films trivia problem lmao

pls, we are all friends here, we do not judge each other for our love of ridiculous trivia tyvm
Oh wow, I think you may have been near (or actually in) my fav parade spot. I love the spot near the stocks because it's right around there the parade turns. So you get it coming right at you and from the side too. It's 2 parades in one. :thumbsup2

Ana's friends!! she was seriously so excited to see Snow White that she made me take the camera from her because she was shaking so much lol

Ok, THAT'S adorable...

And don't even get me started on Wishes... :love:


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